Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I Think Critters Are Out To Get Me

I feel like this may become some kind of a normal occurrence. And I am not on board with that! Another story for all of you out there. I can now write about it because I was only traumatized for a few days.

Trexton gets up at 5:30 a.m. on Tuesday and Thursday to go to work and I usually get to sleep till about 8-8:30 a.m. considering if I feel like getting ready for the day. So he left and my alarm had gone off at 8, and I was way too tired to move so I hit snooze. About 5 minutes later I heard the weirdest ticking like noise. And so I decided to get up because I was worried Trexton might have not woken up to his alarm!
As I walked into the kitchen and realized it was NOT Trexton and that it was just me in the apartment I found the source of the noise. Our apartment did not come with a washer and dryer. So we were able to get a washer but not a dryer so we let things air dry. Well there is a tube thing coming out of the wall. It hooks up to the dryer where the exhaust goes through. I can't remember the name of it haha. But we had stuck an old shirt inside of it so mostly the cold air wouldn't come through too much.
The noise was coming from INSIDE the tube! And I had heard it before but never really worried too much, but something was trying to claw through it. And the first thing that came to mind was oh my heavens we have mice. I am going to pass out. Trexton was at work so I face timed my mom. When I showed her the thing shaking at this point and the noise we were trying to figure out what to do! On top of that I seriously had to use the restroom so bad and it was only a foot away from it so I REFUSED! The whole time my mom is laughing but still didn't know what to do!
All the sudden we started hearing squealing noises. Okay, call me a whimp but I totally started crying. I had mice in my apartment and they were making the loudest squealing noises I have ever heard from an animal. It went on for about 10 minutes. It was terrible.
Finally I decided to walk outside to see if I could see anything from there. And I as walked out and shut our back door TWO BIRDS flew out of the vent. Needless to say I was SO GRATEFUL it wasn't mice and just birds. But I was still traumatized. Between me and Trexton we got this critter thing down haha.
We have now stuff the inside AND outside with some old clothes, so lets hope this fixes our little problem!

Here is a video of what I woke up to. Freaked.me.out. 

Here is a picture of what we used to fix the problem! Stuffed shirt, haha. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Professionals

So we got our wedding pictures back and I love them!! Just to share some. It was such a fun day! I wish we could relive it over and over again! Thanks so much to my parents and trextons parents for making it happen!! :)

I have no clue why we were laughing so hard, but I love it. 

 I can not get enough of both of these pictures haha. 
I love how much fun they are having!
 Oh how I miss this kid!

The Best Week of our Life.

Warning: Picture overload. 

The honeymoon. It was wondrous. We got to sit and have no worries in the world for a whole week. No wedding planning, no school, and NO WORK! Oh and we got to stuff our face with so much food. Glorious. I know it has been a while since then. I was going to blog the honeymoon and wedding pictures when I got them. But we got the wedding pictures a little later than we thought. But they were SO WORTH THE WAIT!

So for our honeymoon we decided to go on a cruise and the first few nights stayed in Vegas! They are all inclusive so it was so nice not to have to worry about money because so much was included on the ship. 

The first couple nights we stayed a The Palazzo Hotel. It was so nice! I had never actually stayed in a hotel at the strip considering my house is so close and we would jut drive to the strip when we wanted to. But we stayed there for two nights and enjoyed the time together going to different restaurants and different activities and just being together! It was so nice not to have to worry about anything else.
On the sunday after we drove down to Long Beach, California and got onto the ship! Driving up to it was so cool because there were so many different ships in the harbor and you could see our ship! We were so stoked! This was my first cruise and Trexton had only been on one when he was twelve or something so it was a new adventure!
We got onto the boat and we were so excited to get changed and to the deck for the parties! Although we made the mistake of "checking" our bag and having them bring it to our room, it would've been so much easier to just carry it ourselves. But we finally go the bags after an hour or so. We changed and and to go to the safety meeting or whatever those things are called. That was the only bad part. There were so many stink in people in one room it was insane! 
But after that we got to party, dance and eat all week! It was a blast! :) I would definitely go on another cruise!

 Our room a the Palazzo

 On our way to the ship!

 Pulling out of the doc!

 So i had to post at least one picture of our food. We ate so much.
 We only stopped in Ensenada, but it was such a fun tour!

 This was at the blow hole! It wasn't closing too much but it was still cool to see.

 The only man not in my face at the flea market and it was the best and only purchase!

 Just another party :)

 For some reason I liked getting up at 6 a.m. to sit on the balcony and listen to the waves and wait for us to doc!

 I did Karaoke. It was terrifying, but so fun. 
 There were so many things so do, and we always made sure to go to the comedy shows!